Congrats on your new bolster! A picture can be worth a thousand words. But a few words on restorative asana- restorative poses are part of a well-balanced yoga practice. They are great for stress relief and hormone balancing, and a fun way to give yourself a sweet treat. You can spend several minutes in these poses or just bust out a quickie if you're in need of some relief- try 2-5 minutes in each and see how you feel.
Viparita Karani- legs up the wall pose
Great if you've been on your feet all day!
Settles the thighs back. Good for emotional and situational stress.
Supta Badakonasana
Feet together, knees wide, palms facing up. Relax!
Prasarita Padattonasana
Extended leg forward fold
For this one you'll want to create a solid base of support through the legs- lift your kneecaps, set the thighs back, lift the low belly some and press through your feet. Remember that you can create alignment and action with a soft attitude- just enough-ness.
Upavistha Konasana
Again create enough muscular energy to keep the feet facing straight up.
Supta Badakonasana
Prop your bolster against the wall with a block to support it. Use blankets or pillows under your knees, and maybe a small blanket roll or pillow under each wrist.
For this next one sit your buns directly in front of the bolster and lay back, with feet facing up. The bolster supports nicely the low back and opens the heart, the thighs rest back. Turn the mundane into monumental by adding an eye pillow.