Thursday, February 9, 2012

So you got yourself a bolster. Now what?

So what the heck do you do with the thing? 
           Congrats on your new bolster! A picture can be worth a thousand words. But a few words on restorative asana- restorative poses are part of a well-balanced yoga practice. They are great for stress relief and hormone balancing, and a fun way to give yourself a sweet treat. You can spend several minutes in these poses or just bust out a quickie if you're in need of some relief- try 2-5 minutes in each and see how you feel.

Viparita Karani- legs up the wall pose
Great if you've been on your feet all day!

Settles the thighs back. Good for emotional and situational stress.

Supta Badakonasana
Feet together, knees wide, palms facing up. Relax! 

Prasarita Padattonasana
Extended leg forward fold
For this one you'll want to create a solid base of support through the legs- lift your kneecaps, set the thighs back, lift the low belly some and press through your feet. Remember that you can create alignment and action with a soft attitude- just enough-ness.

Upavistha Konasana
Again create enough muscular energy to keep the feet facing straight up.

Supta Badakonasana

Prop your bolster against the wall with a block to support it. Use blankets or pillows under your knees, and maybe a small blanket roll or pillow under each wrist. 

For this next one sit your buns directly in front of the bolster and lay back, with feet facing up. The bolster supports nicely the low back and opens the heart, the thighs rest back. Turn the mundane into monumental by adding an eye pillow.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Take five for your low back

Greetings to all you hard workers out there! If your low back is bugging you at the end of the day here's a five minute routine you can do to clear it, and the stress that caused it:

1. Lay down on the floor, on your yoga mat, the carpet, or wherever. Bend your knees place the soles of your feet on the floor, shoes off. Establish a slight arch at your low back so that the thighs flow downward and the groins soften back. Relax! A lot of low back pain is exacerbated by straight up stress. Try to let some of that release as you breathe deeply.

2. Bring your arms out to a T with the palms facing down and place a block between your inner thighs. Squeeze the block and establish a little arch at the low back. Draw your low belly in some without losing the curve of the low back and lower your knees to the right, and then to the left. Repeat 1-3 times

3. Return to the first resting position, this time taking your feet a little wider and letting your knees fall together, still with a slight curve at the low back. Breathe deeply and think good thoughts. Think of a few things you are thankful for, a few ways in which your life is overflowing with the abundant blessings of grace.

4. Roll to one side, use your hands and arms to gently press your self up to sit. Get up, smile, and have a great rest of your day/evening.

Anusara Certification Essay

I've received quite a few congratulations in the last couple days for my acceptance into the Anusara teacher certification process. Thanks for that! I'm sharing below the essay that got me in:

When I was a tiny girl the first thing I ever wanted to be was a cheerleader. Not just any kind of cheerleader, but specifically a Dallas Cowgirl. Though supremely enticing, it wasn’t just the glitz, the glamour, the physical feats, or even the fringed costumes- I wanted to inspire hearts. Those Cowgirls were my first run-in with real live Lakshmis- no matter how tough it got, they still smiled through the television screen at me, their glittering suits and blonde curls asking, begging us to see the good, to appreciate all things shiny, glorious, and abundant in this world no matter how far behind the team lagged. They served as a constant reminder of the big picture- however fired up my daddy got I could still see clearly that it was just a game. A serious and harrowing affair no doubt but nonetheless a game that dares us as participants to take control of our own experience by being just plain positive.
My tiny brain matured, my interests budded, blossomed, changed and grew. I wanted to be a scientist, to know the inner workings of the world: an astronaut, a marine biologist, a brain surgeon. To witness the unfolding of magic, to know the intimate patterns and channels through which glory unfurls itself into this world. I wanted to be a break-dancer, a ballerina, a sculptor; to prove through unwavering discipline that I could exactly mirror the glory. I wanted to be a wife, a mother to know I could create it.
And when it came to the unfolding of my path, through Anusara yoga I became all these things. I am a disciplined scientist, a majestic dancer, an explorer, part of a team of Lakshmis supporting one another through kula as we take the shape of bliss. I continue to inspire hearts. And to smile by golly to the best of my ability.
I want to apply for certification because through Anusara yoga I get to be everything I’ve ever wanted to be in a way that is skillful, deliberate, and supported. I am ready to make a greater commitment to my own growth as a teacher, and to stand as a beacon of light, a model of deep integrity and alignment for the community that continues to challenge me, support me and cheer me on.

An at-home sun salutation routine

Hi Folks! My first blog post ever is a practical one. This was a request from one of my favoritest of yoga students, the dear, sweet, beautiful, and graceful Karen.

Five to Ten Minute Salute to the Sun Routine
            Take a few minutes first thing in the morning to get your blood pumping and brighten your day! You can add variety to the sequence by holding the poses a little longer for strength, or moving faster for cardiovascular activity. Breathe deeply and enjoy!

1.Start standing tadasana
Toes straight ahead, sides long, palms together at the heart
2. Fold forward uttanasana
                        Use blocks or bring your hands higher on your shins if you are tight
3. Step back down dog adho mukha svanasana, then forward to plank
4. Lower your knees, then with elbows into your sides and arms curling to the back plane, strongly lower down
5. Curl open with your toes untucked, cobra pose urdhva mukha svanasana
6. Move back to down dog
7. Step or jump forward to the top of your mat. Fold and then rise up to stand, sweep your arms overhead, return the palms together at the heart

Repeat 3 times

 1. Start standing, palms together
      2. Bend your knees deeply and sweep your arms overhead for chair pose utkatasana.
      3. Bring your fingertips down and fold forward
      4. Step your right leg back, arms overhead, high lunge virabhadrasana 1 var.
      5. Step back to plank, lower down chaturanga dandasana- fingers spread, palms rooted knees and thighs lifted, shoulders back, tailbone tucked, elbows bent and at your sides
      6. Hit the deck, curl open
      7. Down dog, jump forward
      8. Bend your knees, sit back chair
      9. Inhale up to stand, reach your arms high, then join the palms at the heart

Repeat 3-5 times